The Traveling Rhinos' Project

The Traveling Rhinos, from Elkanah House, Cape Town South Africa.

Named by Bonolo in Grade 6.
Her name means 'Our Sunshine' in XHOSA
Lilitha started her journey in Fish Hoek, Cape Town. She then moved on to Grahamstown, East London, Port Elizabeth and Durban. She is curently in Johannesburg.
Named by Lebo in Grade 4
Its name means 'Light' in SETSWANA
Lesedi travelled to Western Australia. She then moved further East and eventually made her way to New Zealand. She is back in Australia now, but will visit New Zealand again soon!
Named by Rebecca in Grade 6
It means 'we are multiplying' in ZULU and is a great call to action to save the rhinos.
Siyanda first visited Canada and he visited a few schools there before travelling south to the USA. He has just visited Guatemala, but is now in Texas!
Named by Suzanna in Grade 4
Her name means 'warrior' in XHOSA.
Zindzi is She started her journey in Ireland, then flew all the way to Korea and Hong Kong (where she got lost). Her replacement is currently in England.
Click on the image below to view Zindz's first Travel Journal:

Zindzi The Travelling Rhino Journal 1

2 Zindzi2 (2).jpg
Her name means 'she is beautiful' in ZULU.
Zintle was a replacement rhino made in Hong Kong after the original Zindzi was left on a bus in Hong Kong. Sadly she was never found. Zintle went on to Singapore and was then returned to South Africa. A new Zindzi has been made, so Zintle will stay in South Africa.
Named by Mia in Grade 6
It means 'big one' in ZULU.
Special thanks to Karen Stadler, founder of the Traveling Rhino Project for use of her pictures and video (above.)

My second grade students in Monday & Thursday's SAGE classes are collaborating as a part of  the Traveling Rhino Project.  Siyanda, is visiting our classroom this month.  He has been on a long journey this year and his journal tells the story.
His journey began in South Africa.  From there he traveled to Canada, where he visited several schools before moving on to Guatemala  By September, he was in the United States at Innovative Educator Consulting in Brownsville, Minnesota.  In October, he traveled on to Sycamore Elementary School in Fort Worth, Texas and from there, he headed to Rainard School in Houston where he stayed through November.  In December, Siyanda moved to Kelly Mill Elementary in Cumming, Georgia.
He arrived here in Missouri near the end of our winter break.  This month, he is exploring Kansas City and helping to inspire my SAGE students to learn more about the plight of the Rhinos and what is putting them at the very brink of extinction.
As of January 17, 2014, the poachers are winning. 37 rhinos have already died in South Africa.  34 of those rhinos were killed by poachers in Kruger Nation Park.  We must stop this devastating slaughter.

Special thanks to Margrit Harris, co-founder of Nikela for helping us connect with experts and for allowing us to use your video. (above)

Our Monday & Thursday, 2nd Grade SAGE Conservators:

Doing their part to change the world for the better!

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