Web 2.0 Resources

As we explore new web based applications, I will post a link to them here.  This will be a quick place to find the link so you don't have to search back through previous class posts.

Animoto- lets you turn photos, video clips and music into video slide shows.  It is very easy to use, but it does require an account and log-in, so you must check with your parents to see if they would be interested in setting up an account.  You are not old enough to do this on your own.

Tagxedo- turns words -- famous speeches, news articles, and themes-- into a visual word cloud, where words are individually sized to highlight the frequencies of occurrence within the body of text.  -No log in is required.

Batch Geo- allows you to map out multiple addresses from a list in a spreadsheet.  No login is required, but data must come from a spreadsheet.

Padlet- allows us to create a wall where we can collaborate to share our ideas.  It is kind of like a bulletin board and more than one person can post a comment at a time.  It can be emailed or embedded on a blog.  Photos, video and documents can be uploaded to a Padlet wall.

Bighugelabs- Helps you do cool projects with your digital photos.  You can create trading cards, motivational posters, calendars, photos with captions, puzzles, slide shows and much more.  Download your project for free to save or print, or order your project and have them print it.

Podcasting Sites

Audioboo  Lets you create and share podcasts up to 3 minutes at no charge.  This site is very easy to use and you can share the podcasts on Twitter, Facebook, through email or by embedding it on a blog or website.  It does require an account and log-in, so you must check with your parents to see if they would be interested in setting up an account.  You are not old enough to do this on your own.

Screen-casting Sites

Screencast-omatic Lets you create and share screencasts.  A screencast is a video of what is happening on your computer screen.  The screencast also includes an audio recording so you can explain what you are doing on the screen.  This is a great tool for creating tutorials.

Digital Storytelling Sites

Storybirds are short, art-inspired stories you make to share, read, and print.  It is a great website to explore digital story telling.  Students can use the username and password I assigned them or have their parents set up an account for them.  There is no charge for using this site.  There is no charge for printing your stories on you home printer.  For a fee, you can order hard or soft bound books of the stories.

Kerpoof is all about having fun, discovering things, and being creative. Here are just a few ways that you can use Kerpoof:

  • Make artwork
  • Make an animated movie
  • Earn Koins which you can trade for fun things in the Kerpoof Store
  • Make a printed card, t-shirt, or mug
  • Tell a story
  • Make a drawing
  • Vote on the movies, stories, and drawings that other people have made
There is no charge for this Disney created site and students can work without a login.  To save their work, they will need an account.  I have set up a student account for each child and they have their own login and password.  The students will need to also remember their class account number to log in from home or from their home school. 
The Class Account Numbers can be found below:

Rotation E:  K697
Mrs. Koch's Primary SAGE Class ID:  Y711B

Pinky Dinky Doo is a great site for pre-K, kindergarten and first grade students.  It harnesses the power of television, print, and interactive media to promote reading and imaginative storytelling. To achieve this, Pinky invites children to participate in funny and fantastic stories, games, and songs that support critical early literacy skills.

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