Monday, August 19, 2013

Welcome to the 2013-2014 School Year!

We have an exciting year of learning ahead and we invite you to join us on our journey. Each class/attendance day has its own blog that you will find in the links to the right. After each SAGE day, I will post updates there about our challenges, struggles and successes. We plan to include their writing, artwork, research projects, photos, videos and technology projects on our blogs. I encourage you to sign up for email updates on this main page.  I will send you an email each time I update our individual class blogs.

Besides documenting our journey, our blog will also have a list of upcoming events, links to useful articles.  It has resources for parents, teachers and students. You can find these helpful links along the top of this page.  If you have an interest in or concerns about additional topics, please let me know and I will see if I can provide helpful resources.

Stay tuned...

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Hi Quadblogging Friends & Blog Visitors,

We have been using a variety of technology tools and websites during our school year.  

We were wondering what tools or websites you use to create projects or to increase your learning?  

We hope you will leave us a message on our Padlet Wall below...

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Quadblogging Friends: What is your favorite subject or topic?

My students have been wondering what we have in common. We were wondering....

When you have a chance to choose a topic to study, what do you choose?  What is your favorite subject or topic?  Why do you like it so much?

Share some of your ideas on our Padlet wall below.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

How are you spending your snow days?

Hello to my students and to our Quadblogging visitors too.  I would like to have my SAGE students leave a message (and if possible a picture) here on our wall to tell us how you have been spending your snow days.

Quadblogging friends, feel free to post some of your questions here too.

Monday, February 25, 2013

We Have New Quadblogging Friends!

For second semester, we have new Quadblogging partners.  Our partnering classes are from:
New Castle, England
Yorkshire, England
& Thuwal, Saudi Arabia

Hotspur Primary School
Simon McLoughlin's 8 year old students
Newcastle, England

Bankside Primary School
Steve Hall's 8 year old students
Yorkshire, England

Kaust School
Jeff Woodcock's 8 year old students
Thuwal, Saudi Arabia

This quarter, we will be taking turns writing on their class blogs.  We are discovering that through technology, our world is not so big after all!