This (rotational) week, as we are getting settled into our routine, we will be talking about expectations and class rules. The rules we have posted in our classroom are below.
Our SAGE Class Rules
- There is no such thing as a dumb question or answer.
- This is a safe place to try new things.
- It’s okay to say, “I don’t know.”
- If you don’t understand, ask.
- If you still don’t understand, ask again.
- Be respectful of other peoples’ feelings and ideas.
- It’s okay to disagree– try explaining your ideas.
- It’s okay to be yourself, originality is in!
- None of us are perfect.
- This is a safe place to make mistakes- jump in a give it a try!
I am also incorporating an affective lesson on handling challenging work, frustrations and success. I want the students to realize that when they are given work at their instructional level they will make mistakes and occationally feel frustration. This is a good thing because it shows us we have an opportunity to learn something new. We need to learn to get past our fear of failing and persevere to master the information or task.
Having a "perfect"/-0 paper doesn't mean much if the work was easy. It is not the paper we need to hang on the refrigerator. Praise your child for the paper that is -2, 3, 4 or even -5 as long as they stuck with it, made the corrections and learned the concept. Then we are praising our children for their effort, not for a meaningless perfect paper. Celebrate the moments when your child has to work to achieve success!
Having a "perfect"/-0 paper doesn't mean much if the work was easy. It is not the paper we need to hang on the refrigerator. Praise your child for the paper that is -2, 3, 4 or even -5 as long as they stuck with it, made the corrections and learned the concept. Then we are praising our children for their effort, not for a meaningless perfect paper. Celebrate the moments when your child has to work to achieve success!