Thursday, September 1, 2011

Welcome to Mrs. Koch's Primary SAGE Center Blog Site!

We have an exciting year of learning ahead and we invite you to join us on our journey. Each rotation day has its own blog that you will find in the links to the right. After each SAGE day, I will post an update there about our challenges, struggles and successes. The students will also have an opportunity to contribute their thoughts, ideas and opinions to our blog. We plan to include their writing, art work, research projects, photos, videos and technology projects on their rotation blog. I encourage you to sign up for email updates and/or an RSS feed from the individual rotation blog of interest.

Besides documenting our journey, our blog will also have a list of upcoming events, links to useful articles, tools and Web 2.0 applications. You can find these helpful links within the resource tabs along the top of this page. I will continue to add to them throughout the year. If you have an interest in or concerns about additional topics, please let me know and I will see if I can provide helpful resources.

As this is the first of our posts, we want to provide some basic information about "blogs" and "blogging." The link below will take you to a short Common Craft video, "Blogs in Plain English."

Feel free to share your thoughts with us throughout the year by commenting on our posts. We are excited about our year and we are glad you are along for the ride!


  1. I think this is a good introduction to your classroom blog

  2. Blogging and a QR Code on your business card! I love it!

  3. Thank you SOOOOO much for all of the comments on my classroom blog. I appreciated all the thought you put into each comment and that you connected with so many of my students. My students were in awe that someone from a place they have not all heard of would leave a comment for them.
    I do not envy you keeping track of so many blogs. Good luck with your blogging journey!

  4. This is Cady Campbell's Mom (B day.) I really appreciate the video you posted. It was very informative!! I think making a blog for updates at Sage is a great idea!!
    Thank You Mrs. Koch!!!
    I'm off to explore more of it! :)

  5. Hello, I'm the father of Sofia, Just checking in to see if I'm at the right place. Quess so. I saw the video also. I will be looking forward to My daughters progress in education. I beleive this is a great start.


  6. Did you know that all dogs can only see grey. I found out that from a book I read.


  7. Hi James,

    I am glad you have found our blog. Sofie is doing a great job! She is a wonderful addition to our class! Let me know if you ever have any questions and please feel free to drop in on our class anytime!

  8. Hi Samantha,
    That is a very cool fact! I didn't know that. I always buy my dog brightly colored balls. As a matter of fact, she just dropped a hot pink ball in my lap! LOL Since dogs and wolves are related, I wonder if wild dogs only see grey? Did you read this in a library book or one in our SAGE class?

  9. My class was good today. Jasmine

  10. Hi Jasmine,

    I love it that you are trying out blogging. Keep up your efforts. Think about sharing some of the things you are learning. What part of your day did you enjoy the most and why was it the best part? What are you hoping we will do next week?

    Have a fun weekend!
    Mrs. Koch
