Sunday, October 21, 2012

Our Quadblogging Turn Again!

This week, our blogs will once again be the focus for our Quadblogging group.  The classes from Gisborne, New Zealand, Formby, England and Norwich, England will be stopping by our blogs to learn more about us and to leave a comment or two. 

Dear Quadblogging Friends,

We are enjoying visiting your blogs and are happy to welcome you back to our blogs.   We are excited to show you what we are learning in our SAGE classes.  (We've also gotten a few ideas and applications from your blogs ( is a new app for us.)  We hope you will have time to  visit each of our class blogs, Rotations A, B, C, D & E.  You will find the links to our blogs on the right side of this page.

We are in the season of fall (or autumn) here in Missouri and our trees are especially beautiful.  

Many children will be trick-or-treating for Halloween on October 31st.  They will dress in costumes and go to the homes of neighbors they know.  They will ring the door bell and when their neighbor answers the door, the children say, "Trick-or-Treat!"  The children are given candy at each house.  Below are pictures of some of my students at Briarcliff's Boo Bash (a Halloween party put on by the parents) last Friday evening.  You can see some of the costumes they wore.

We are curious if you celebrate or have a holiday like Halloween in your countries?  Do you have any other holidays you celebrate this time of year?

In New Zealand, it is spring.  What holidays do you celebrate in your spring?
We look forward to hearing from you,

Your Kansas City SAGE Friends