Sunday, October 21, 2012

Our Quadblogging Turn Again!

This week, our blogs will once again be the focus for our Quadblogging group.  The classes from Gisborne, New Zealand, Formby, England and Norwich, England will be stopping by our blogs to learn more about us and to leave a comment or two. 

Dear Quadblogging Friends,

We are enjoying visiting your blogs and are happy to welcome you back to our blogs.   We are excited to show you what we are learning in our SAGE classes.  (We've also gotten a few ideas and applications from your blogs ( is a new app for us.)  We hope you will have time to  visit each of our class blogs, Rotations A, B, C, D & E.  You will find the links to our blogs on the right side of this page.

We are in the season of fall (or autumn) here in Missouri and our trees are especially beautiful.  

Many children will be trick-or-treating for Halloween on October 31st.  They will dress in costumes and go to the homes of neighbors they know.  They will ring the door bell and when their neighbor answers the door, the children say, "Trick-or-Treat!"  The children are given candy at each house.  Below are pictures of some of my students at Briarcliff's Boo Bash (a Halloween party put on by the parents) last Friday evening.  You can see some of the costumes they wore.

We are curious if you celebrate or have a holiday like Halloween in your countries?  Do you have any other holidays you celebrate this time of year?

In New Zealand, it is spring.  What holidays do you celebrate in your spring?
We look forward to hearing from you,

Your Kansas City SAGE Friends


  1. We are excited about halloween. We dress up as skeletons, Frankenstein, pirates, witches and werewolves and go trick or treating. Xander, Kacey, Ciah, Leeland, Chloe

    We carve pumpkins and put candles in them. Harlie

    I don't celebrate halloween. Benjamin

    I like the Ninja costume. Connor

    I like the spider on the boys face. Ciah

  2. Which school are you from?

  3. Dear Xander, Kacey, Ciah, Leeland and Chloe,

    It sounds like we celebrate Halloween the same here in the United States as you do in England. We think that is pretty cool. Thank you for visiting our blog and answering our question. We hope you have a safe and happy Halloween (and get lots of candy too!)

    Mrs. Koch and her E day K/1st Graders

  4. Dear Harlie,

    Thank you for leaving a comment on our blog. We like to carve pumpkins too. Some of our faces are scary, but most of us like happy, silly pumpkin faces.

    Mrs. Koch's E day k/1st Graders

  5. Dear Benjamin,

    We are glad you left us a comment. We also have students that do not celebrate Halloween.

    Fall is one of our favorite seasons because it is so beautiful and the weather is still pretty mild and warm. We like to rake leaves into piles and then jump in them. Sometimes we get to have a bon fire and we cook hotdogs and marshmallows on a a stick over the fire. We also have lots of local fall festivals around Kansas City. There are stands with fresh apple dumplings and carmel apples and there are usually rides and craft tents too.

    We love the last days of warm weather before winter blows into our area.

    Mrs. Koch

  6. Dear Conner and Ciah,

    The boys and girls had a lot of fun at Briarcliff's Boo Bash. Besides costume contests and face painting, they also had lots of games to play and candy and snacks to eat. Thank you for leaving us your comments and compliments!

    Mrs. Koch and the E Day K/1st Graders

  7. Dear Ryan,

    Thank you for your question, I'm not sure if Mrs. Hastings and her students will be back on our blog this week. They are from Nightingale First School. Mrs. Hastings has 6 and 7 year old students in her class and they are from Norwich, England.

    Mrs. Koch

  8. on halloween we go trick or treeting. wot ar you gowing to dress up as? Jessica

  9. I sealbrae bi gowing to the halwen fiywucks sho and trikoltreting and it my nanas hose me and mi kusns and we find sweets in the gadn and i dres up as a cat. Daisy F Nightingale School

  10. do you get lots of candey askd benjamin??????. Do you have a computer room?

  11. Dear Jessica,

    Thank you for leaving your comment. My boys and girls are not in school tomorrow, (Friday) because of our Parent -Teacher conferences, so I will have them tell you about their Trick or Treating and costumes next week.

    Several of them have been talking about it during our recess. I know we have several princesses, a mermaid, two super heroes- Captain America and Spiderman, a cat and a robot.

    What are you going to wear for your Halloween costume? I hope you will be careful as you are out Trick or Treating!

    Mrs. Koch

  12. Dear Daisy,

    Thank you for leaving such a nice comment. You are doing great with your writing. We do not have any fireworks shows on Halloween here in Kansas City. They may do it in other cities-- I'm not sure????

    When you go Trick or Treating at your Nana's house, what kinds of treats will she have for you? Did you say she leaves you treats in her garden? Are they hidden there?

    What color is your cat costume? Are you a scary black cat? I hope you have a safe and happy Halloween!

    Mrs. Koch

  13. Dear Benjamin,

    You ask great questions! I do think the boys and girls get a lot of candy. I will have to have them leave you a note next week after they have been Trick or Treating.

    We do have a computer lab here in our school. There are about 30 desktop computers there. I will try and get a picture of it for you next week. We also have four student computers in our classroom. We don't have any iPads. :-( Boy I wish we did!

    Do you have a computer lab or room in your school? Do you have any iPads? What is your favorite game or App?

    Mrs. Koch

  14. Hi, Mrs.koch today we did a swiggle in SAGE. I made a cunshrchen woker saying move the cinder over in the grass! Because they where fixing the suwige pipes. They also had a weel berel to cary the dirt to cover the holes up where they are fixing the pipes. Also today in spansh we learned el povo that mens trkey in spanish. bye Mrs.Koch. By Isabella

  15. Dear Isabella,

    Thank you for taking the time to post such a nice comment! I thought you did a great job on your Squiggle. I am sorry I wasn't feeling well during your rotation. I am better now after getting lots of rest during our Thanksgiving break.

    Señora Gates will be so pleased that you are posting comments about your Spanish lessons!

    Have a good start to your week! I will see you soon!
    Mrs. Koch

  16. Dear ,Mrs.Koch for leaving me back a coment on my post on the blog! I was wondring how your Thanksgiveing went? As soon as I walked in the door at Thanksgiving my little 1one year old coson came and huged me for about 3 three minets! I gesse she thanks of me as an older sister to her. See you back at sage on Thursday! By Isabella

  17. Hello Again Isabella,

    You have been a busy blogger! Thank you for taking a little of your time to post another comment on the blog.--You might think about leaving your comments on our B Day blog. -Mainly when they are general comments or when you are sharing what you learned on our SAGE day.

    I told Señora Gates you were posting comments about what you were learning in her Spanish lessons. She was very excited to hear it!

    Honestly, I was pretty much sick for the past week. My immediate family stayed home for Thanksgiving so we wouldn't spread our icky germs around our family. I was in my PJ's for days! (That wasn't such a bad thing!) We played cards, watched movies and slept a lot. It wasn't as exciting as some holidays and I was disappointed we weren't able to be with grandparents and aunts and uncles. In the end, we got rested up and had a nice time just being together as a family at home.

    I'm sure you are a great role model for your cousins! Toddlers are so much fun and they want nothing more than to play and learn from others. You will have to tell me more about it when we have recess.

    See you tomorrow!

    Mrs. Koch

  18. Hi my name is dawood i am from england my schcool is bankside primray and.Love ther close they are very nice they even scared me . Bye

  19. Hello again Dawood,

    Thank you for leaving us another comment. Do you go Trick or Treating in England in October? It is a popular holiday with many children here in the United States.

    Mrs. Koch
