Sunday, October 21, 2012

Our Quadblogging Turn Again!

This week, our blogs will once again be the focus for our Quadblogging group.  The classes from Gisborne, New Zealand, Formby, England and Norwich, England will be stopping by our blogs to learn more about us and to leave a comment or two. 

Dear Quadblogging Friends,

We are enjoying visiting your blogs and are happy to welcome you back to our blogs.   We are excited to show you what we are learning in our SAGE classes.  (We've also gotten a few ideas and applications from your blogs ( is a new app for us.)  We hope you will have time to  visit each of our class blogs, Rotations A, B, C, D & E.  You will find the links to our blogs on the right side of this page.

We are in the season of fall (or autumn) here in Missouri and our trees are especially beautiful.  

Many children will be trick-or-treating for Halloween on October 31st.  They will dress in costumes and go to the homes of neighbors they know.  They will ring the door bell and when their neighbor answers the door, the children say, "Trick-or-Treat!"  The children are given candy at each house.  Below are pictures of some of my students at Briarcliff's Boo Bash (a Halloween party put on by the parents) last Friday evening.  You can see some of the costumes they wore.

We are curious if you celebrate or have a holiday like Halloween in your countries?  Do you have any other holidays you celebrate this time of year?

In New Zealand, it is spring.  What holidays do you celebrate in your spring?
We look forward to hearing from you,

Your Kansas City SAGE Friends

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Take a Peek at Our School

Here are some pictures and information about Briarcliff school.

Take a Peek Around Briarcliff on PhotoPeach
Briarcliff School is in the middle of a neighborhood.  Some children walk to school, a few ride their bikes, some ride the bus and a few are brought to school by their grandparents.  How many students are in your schools?  What grade levels are in your school?

Your friend,
Mrs. Koch

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Where on Earth is Kansas City, Missouri, (and Why isn't It in Kansas?)

Hi William and the Students from St. Luke's, (Formby, England),

Here are some maps to help you understand where we live.

Does that help you to find our home?  I will work on a slide show of our area too.

Friday, September 21, 2012

It's Our Turn!

This week, our blog will be the focus for our Quadblogging group.  The classes from Gisborne, New Zealand, Formby, England and Norwich, England will be stopping by our blog to learn more about us and to leave a comment or two.

So welcome to our new global friends!  We hope you enjoy seeing what we are learning in our SAGE classes.  Be sure and visit each of our class blogs, Rotations A, B, C, D & E.  You will find the links to our blogs on the right side of this page.

We are curious about you and wondered what are some of your favorite books?  What sports do you like to play?  And finally, do you have a favorite school lunch?

We look forward to hearing from you,

Your Kansas City SAGE Friends

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

This Week's Quadblogging Focus School

This week we are reading the blog of our friends in Norwich, England.  If you get a chance, stop by their blog with your parents and leave a comment.  You can visit and look around on your own, but to post a comment, you will need an adult to help you because commenting here requires you to have an email address.   (When it asks for a website, leave our: address.)

Nightingale First School
Kerri Hastings' 6 and 7 year old students
Norwich, England

Next week, our blog will be the focus, so the other schools will be writing comments here.
Have a great week!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Primary SAGE Parent Informational Meeting

Just a reminder:

Our Primary SAGE Parent Informational Meeting is
Thursday, September 13, 2012
in the Briarcliff Media Center
from 6:00-7:00 pm.

This is an opportunity for you to learn more about the characteristics of gifted children, the SAGE Program, our curriculum and our blog. This meeting is intended for parents new to the program and those with questions about our curriculum this year. I hope you can attend!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Globally Connecting to Other Learners

This year we will be participating in a global learning collaboration called Quadblogging.  The Quadblogging project matches four classrooms from around the world to share their blogs and share their learning. The students will have a chance to get to know one another by reading and commenting on each partners' blog. This is a wonderful opportunity for them to gain an awareness of and participate in our global learning community.  

Each partner's class will be assigned a week where their blog will become the focus of the group.  The other three classes will use that time to read and share their comments.  The project continues with this four week rotation from September through December.  I am excited about the possibilities this offers as we connect and discover how children from around the world learn.

Our Quadblogging partners are from:

  • Norwich, England
  • Formby, England
  • & Gisborne, New Zealand
Along the way, I met a wonderful teacher/administrator from 
  • Rocky Mountain House, Alberta, Canada.  
We will be blogging with her 2nd graders too.

For more information and links to the partner blogs, go to the "Quadblogging Friends" tab at the top of this page.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Welcome to the 2012-2013 School Year!

SAGE classes will begin the first week of September.  I will be delivering student packets next week.   You will find information about the program and our year together included.

Below you will find an enhanced podcast to tell you a little about my summer.  I hope you are off to a great start and I am looking forward to seeing you all soon!

Want to experience the "haboob" I was in?  Check out the video by Carol Freshley on

Friday, April 6, 2012

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Monday, January 9, 2012

The Dance

Working with gifted students is a bit like ballroom dancing (although is sounds more like a clogging competition.)  

Everyone has their personal favorite music, tempo, style and pace.  Some are more competitive or flamboyant or technically precise or artistically fluent.  All have areas of strength on which to build and areas of weakness on which to improve.  They often stumble and occasionally fall on their face (though it is one of their greatest fears and is mortifying for them.)  They need a healthy diet and proper rest.  They require opportunities to stretch and time to practice.  They need proper equipment, an accepting, safe environment that allows for experimentation, failure without judgement, individual creativity and a synthesis of their experiences, knowledge and interests. They accept constructive critique but seek affirmation and an occasional spotlight dance with a hearty round of applause.

When the music is right, and they feel safe enough to express themselves it is magical.